Monday, September 8, 2008

A gathering of July 2008 babies and mummies

What started as a simple meet up between wendy, adora and our july 2nd babies became a bigger affair when we extended the invite to the July 2008 babies forum. Adora graciously (more like got cornered by wendy and me;) opened her home to host the gathering of more than 10 moms and their babies. Here are the pix and video from the event titled : Tea at PinkBunny's house.

> July babies lined up on Adora's couch. Sophie is 3rd from left (occupying the most space!, next to Poppy bunny :)

> the three July 2nd, 2008 baby girl bunnies :) L-R : Poppy, Rianne and Sophie

> Alicia with baby Gordon

1 comment:

Unknown said...

haha sophie bunny looks like she's falling out of the baby bjorn carrier!!