Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Gordon, Lyn and Ryan comes a visit...

We hosted lyn and family for 9 days! I think this is the longest we have ever hosted anyone...as the nanny was still around, we had to clear jin's projector room and turn it into a guest room for the 2 adults and 1 hyper little one. we filled the rooms with at least 10 over pillows and cushions to ensure Ryan did not hurt himself...at last, our efforts were in vain as he fell off the bed in search of his mummy one night when we were all outside watching Hancock and he was supposed to be fast asleep. the fall gave him 2 bumps on his forehead..aww :(

Tried our best to ensure our guests did not feel too bored..seeing shopping was out of the itinerary as they felt spore stuff were too ex, we did the next most interesting thing = EAT. we had tim sum at east ocean, pepper and curry crabs, prata at evans road, turf city, adam road and suntec (they love prata!), japanese skewers at shinkushiya. One day, we did the eat nonsense stuff at Taka - we had yam pie and fried squid from old chang kee, durian pancakes and from crystal jade : shrimp paste chicken, carrot cake, egg tarts. also, with mooncake festival round the corner, we did our fair share of sampling tons of mooncakes from the taka mooncake fair..and they love the snow skin mooncake version soo much, a box was bought from Fairmount hotel at $48 for 8 small round pieces! *daylight robbery!!*

We also managed to do 2 walks to Botanical Gardens. On saturday, we visited Henderson Waves and on Sunday - Esplanade to see Jin finish his Nike Human Race Run.

Nights were spent usually at the living room..exhausted from the day's activities (or more from entertaining Ryan - thankfully we had the JUMPEROO). We had most of our dinners at home as Ryan needed to be in bed by 8pm. Thankfully, we had the nanny to cook for us :). Home cooked meals with soup..yums!

Ryan had his first swim..too bad it was raining like 70% of the time they were here..otherwise, he would have gotten more pool time - we did a makeshift pool in our bathtub ;)

Our guests just left and already the house seems soo much emptier and a lot quieter..I am missing my cute nephew! Good thing we will get to see them again next week in Bangkok..yay! ( i hope the chaos in Bkk settles by then!) I love how cheeky Ryan looks in this pix..boy, is Lynda going to have her hands full with this little kiddo ;)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

JUMPEROO sounds like a must buy!!!! hehe. ryan is a cutie!