Sunday, October 26, 2008

Sophie's dreamfeed...

I am not sure if I should be celebrating so soon BUT the little bean has been sleeping 7 hours straight the past 4 nites!! woohoo...I get really excited when I wake up at 730am and she's still sound asleep, giving me time to express milk before she wakes :)

Anyway, here's what we do : she goes to bed at 7-9pm..after her milk, I wipe her down, put her in her PJs and read her some books. Then about midnite - 1am (depending on what time I sleep), she's woken up for her "dreamfeed". I usually give her about 140-150 ml for her dreamfeed..and she gamely finishes the whole bottle even though she's 80% asleep. Then it's a quick burp session (if she burps that is :p) and plunk back into bed and she's konked out till 730am :) Hurray!

Here's a video of Sophie feeding herself ;)

Sophie's babymare ...

One night last week, Sophie was fast asleep when I suddenly heard her semi-crying. I thought it was a bit weird as she had just gone to bed about an hour ago and should at least sleep for 4-5 hours before waking. I checked on her and saw that she was actually still sleeping but crying in her sleep..a babymare?

I told Jin, I think she was dreaming that someone was stealing her milk from her :)..anyway, after a good 5 minutes, she went back into her deep sleep..I guess she got back her milk ..heehee :D

Edwin gets hitched!

My colleague edwin got married last week. It has been ages since I attended a wedding in Singapore (I think the last time was like 5 years ago!) and things just have not changed , ie, the start time of the event :P. The wedding was held at Fullerton and only started at 830pm..good thing we had some small bites at the lobby first :)
The group from HP

Myra and me (check out my cleavage, woohoo ;)

5km run completed :)

Hard to believe I actually got out of my sleep deprived state to run 5km on a sunday morning - but I did! I signed up for the Great Eastern 5km run several months back..I was hoping that by signing up for the run, that would force me to train for the run and of course get back into shape after not exercising since the time I was expecting. Boy, who was I kidding? Working full days and spending the rest of my free time with the little bean leaves me only time to read my month old magazines and occasionally update this blog :P
Anyway, back to the run..Jin was a real sweetie - he actually got up early to get ready so that both bean and him could send me to the start line. The run started about 8.40am..I ran non stop the first 3kms afterwhich, it was run a bit , walk a bit the last 2 kms. Finished the whole 5 km in 35 minutes :)..quite proud of myself but my aching limbs are now protesting..I need a full body massage! :D

Here's baby bean and me - she's in her new stroller and I really think she likes it a lot :)

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Monday, October 20, 2008

Sophie laughs..

or at least I think she did (again). Can hear Jin in the background laughing at her laughing ;)

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

15 weeks old and finally a laugh :D

After feeding Sophie, I usually sit her on my lap and start patting her back to get her to burp. Often, she will reward me with a loud satisfied burp..very very BOY but oh, I do love that sound coming out from her. I think even she gets a bit shy sometimes at how loud her burp was and she will smile and turn her face down like very very shy ;)

Anyway, today was no different - I sat her on my lap, started patting and I went : Sophie, burp burp . It goes on and on and she was starring at me intently..the longer she starred, the more animated my face became with each "Burp Burp?" and suddenly she laughed..and then she squealled. I was pretty excited to catch her 1st laugh :))) and continued the animation and was rewarded with more laughs ..ahh, the things we do to see our precious darlings smile and laugh...

Mom's in town for a short visit -so tomorrow I will work from home again. Must remember to have the camera on hand just in case Sophie decides to laugh again..will capture to show Jin what he is missing out on (by coming home after midnight every night! hmmph!)

Monday, October 13, 2008

Staying at home with Sophie..

...well, only wishful thinking at this point. But this morning, we got to spend some time together as she got up a bit early. I bought new hairbands from Daiso last night so right after her milk, burp and diaper change, she got to try her new hair bands and I don't think I am biaise when I say : Super Kawaiiiiiii :)

Friday, October 10, 2008

Sophie does a turn....

...and I missed it! Diana told me that she was on her tummy one minute and diana went out to warm the milk and when she came back, Sophie was on her back playing with her fingers...darn! I wanted to catch my baby bean's first flip! I wonder how many more "firsts" I am going to miss out on :(
I comforted myself that I at least managed to catch Sophie holding the bottle on her own for the first time..TAADAA!!!

Imagine, only 3 months old and already holding her own clever bean sprout :)

Here's a pix of my 2 favourite darlings - both in their PJs and gamely taking a minute off adoring each other to pose for me (Sophie seemed to enjoy posing more than Jin :p )

Monday, October 6, 2008

Poppy and Sophie - celebrating their first Raya together

Over the weekend, we attended our 1st ever Raya open house in Singapore. I shamelessly smsed kak za , wishing her "selamat hari raya" and she had no choice but to extend an open house invite to both adora and me..hehehe. However, I think she got the last laugh cos she informed Adora that there was not going to be any lunch served so Jin and I stuffed ourselves with a yummy lunch at Vista Bistro @ east coast - only to discover a great spread awaiting us at Kak Za's home :p

Here's what we had at Vista Bistro - burger and stir fried pasta (I did not take pix of their mushroom soup but it was definitely one of the yummiest mushroom soup I have had in a long time)

The view from the bistro was lovely - facing the east coast park and the waters beyond...

even Sophie was in a relaxed mood :)

At Kak Za's house, we wasted no time in attacking the spread, even though we were stuffed from lunch.

When our tummies were full, we got down to the serious business of taking some pix of poppy and sophie..unfortunately, the 2 little ones got tired from waiting and fell asleep with pacifiers in their cute :)

Pacifier Off :)

Poppy with Jin

Sophie with Max

the Us with Nenek Za

Friday, October 3, 2008

Jin's bday - 3x

Jin always say once he turns 30, he will be in total denial about his age from then on. So even when we celebrate with cake, it has to be maximum 3 candles for the next xx years :D

With such a busy week, I actually had no time to get a pressie..made it up by cooking him breakfast with sausages bought from swiss butchery (that place does great business...while i was in line to pay, japanese family in fornt of me bought over $200 bucks of food!) and maple walnut milkshake.

Here's birthday daddy with sophie bean.

Lin and RY celebrated birthday dinner with us at Hanabi..Jin requested for Jap buffet and you know you are getting old when you cant wallop 10 plates of sashimi as we once could in previous buffets :p

We came back to cut a really cute cake bought by Lin. I think Jin enjoyed the small and simple do :)

Thursday, October 2, 2008

1st day back at work after 3.5 months!

It seemed like only last week when I blogged about my last day of work pre delivery..where did the time go? Last night, I carefully laid out the work clothes and got ready my laptop and all the bottles and pump for expressing milk at work.

This morning, Soph woke up at 6am (she slept from 10pm till 6am ~ what an angel!) and after feeding her, she fell back into a sleepy slumber , not before giving me some of her sweet smiles :). I tried going back to bed but my mind kept thinking of work and I got a bit anxious that I would forget something so after 30 minutes of tossing and turning, I gave Jin a quick hug and good morning kiss and hopped out of bed to quickly pump.

We left the house at 8am, I had to wake little bean and thankfully, she was all smiles all the way to Diana's house. My table at work looked the same as it was when I left..except for 2 layers of dust! I jokingly asked Adrian why didn't he do some cleaning and he defensively replied - do I look like I do cleaning? - blah, spoilt! :D

Lunch was at the good ol cafetaria..the smell and food have not changed..i was kinda hoping they did :P . I managed to pop into the nursing room to express before was ok - comfy chairs and private curtain drawn cubicles..I just wished they put in a steriliser too.

The rest of the afternoon was a blurr as sleep was what I needed most. I managed to leave early to fetch Sophie felt so nice to hold my baby girl in my arms again after 8 hours -our longest time being apart since she was born :(..I really missed her while at work..hmm, I think I will go wake her up now to cuddle :)

Raya walk and dinner at Tin Hill

Yesterday was a public holiday to celebrate Hari Raya. We made plans to meet Shumin, Weng Keong and baby Alyssa at Dome, Dempsey Hill. Since Sophie woke up at 730 for her feed, we decided to take a walk through the botanical gardens (BG) to Dempsey Hill. The walk took us an hour but we really enjoyed it as the weather was not too hot and BG is always so beautiful.

It was so fun to see alyssa again..she is a real cutey..i love her hair!! wished sophie had that much hair :) and she was so light too..hmm, never knew 1 kg can make such a difference to me :D

We wanted to walk off the breakfast calories so from Dempsey Hill, we headed to Tanglin Mall and from there to Tangs where I shopped until I heard the little bean wailing..hmm, somehow Jin cant put her to sleep like her mummy can :p

The long walk did me in..I took a 2 hour nap in the afternoon..bliss!

Dinner, we met up with lin, karen, mei, ed and Yen ling at Tin Hill - aussie style food. I had a snapper in puff pastry and was totally amused that the puff was huge! Bigger than Sophie's head ..hehe. The service was good and their toffee date pudding beats marmalade and comparable to Cafe Brevamio's...I think we will come back to try the pasta and more of their desserts.