Sunday, October 26, 2008

5km run completed :)

Hard to believe I actually got out of my sleep deprived state to run 5km on a sunday morning - but I did! I signed up for the Great Eastern 5km run several months back..I was hoping that by signing up for the run, that would force me to train for the run and of course get back into shape after not exercising since the time I was expecting. Boy, who was I kidding? Working full days and spending the rest of my free time with the little bean leaves me only time to read my month old magazines and occasionally update this blog :P
Anyway, back to the run..Jin was a real sweetie - he actually got up early to get ready so that both bean and him could send me to the start line. The run started about 8.40am..I ran non stop the first 3kms afterwhich, it was run a bit , walk a bit the last 2 kms. Finished the whole 5 km in 35 minutes :)..quite proud of myself but my aching limbs are now protesting..I need a full body massage! :D

Here's baby bean and me - she's in her new stroller and I really think she likes it a lot :)

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