Friday, April 4, 2008

Food glorious food...

Now that I am in my 6th month with baby, my appetite's come back! I suddenly have mood to go out for long meals again and the cravings for hawker soup noodles have lessen. So last weekend, we organised 2 was dinner at Galbalti's, upper bukit timah where lin and ren yuh met us for some good ol pasta and desserts. The parma ham with rockmelon and stuffed portobello mushrooms were great appetizers. Mains, we had 4 kinds of pasta - crab linguine, salmon cream penne, meat ravioli and an aglio olio with herb sauce. Desserts, ren yuh could not decide, so we ended up with a pine nut tart, hazelnut choc tart and tiramisu. what a feast!

Feast continued the next morning - sunday brunch at B&J's dempsey hill. met up with jimmy, gail, kok kee and anne for sausages and burgers..I like this place for its chill out atmosphere and of course we finished our meal with waffles and scoops of B&J ice cream.

Last night, we met up at La Braceria, remotely nestled near 6th Ave for Neel's bday meal. We started with 2 appetizers, parma ham w mozarella and eggplants. I liked the eggplant dish a lot..well done with the cheese. For mains, I went with an order of portobello mushroom ..surprisingly dissapointed as it came with the 2 smallest portobello mushrooms i have ever had :(..but tasted yummy regardless and sides of asparagus with more cheese was good. Dessert, the tiramisu was out of this world..i am craving it again!!

Baby's 26 weeks now..she has been moving a lot and I now play her nursery rhymes every night before we sleep. Jin poofed at me for paying $18 for the mothercare cd but hey, he doesn't sing to her so I think the CD's a gd investment :)). We have been such shopaholics - every night one of us will be monitoring ebay to bid for dresses for her..I think this is going to be one dressed up baby :) I also bought a second hand baby swing for her as well as some cloth books..have to collect tomorrow. Changes in me : noticed that my feet looks a bit swollen..gulp!
Here's baby at 26 weeks..getting bigger :D

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