Wednesday, October 15, 2008

15 weeks old and finally a laugh :D

After feeding Sophie, I usually sit her on my lap and start patting her back to get her to burp. Often, she will reward me with a loud satisfied burp..very very BOY but oh, I do love that sound coming out from her. I think even she gets a bit shy sometimes at how loud her burp was and she will smile and turn her face down like very very shy ;)

Anyway, today was no different - I sat her on my lap, started patting and I went : Sophie, burp burp . It goes on and on and she was starring at me intently..the longer she starred, the more animated my face became with each "Burp Burp?" and suddenly she laughed..and then she squealled. I was pretty excited to catch her 1st laugh :))) and continued the animation and was rewarded with more laughs ..ahh, the things we do to see our precious darlings smile and laugh...

Mom's in town for a short visit -so tomorrow I will work from home again. Must remember to have the camera on hand just in case Sophie decides to laugh again..will capture to show Jin what he is missing out on (by coming home after midnight every night! hmmph!)

1 comment:

Lynda Ng said...

I would love to hear her laughing! heee heee heee..... SOPHIE!