Friday, October 10, 2008

Sophie does a turn....

...and I missed it! Diana told me that she was on her tummy one minute and diana went out to warm the milk and when she came back, Sophie was on her back playing with her fingers...darn! I wanted to catch my baby bean's first flip! I wonder how many more "firsts" I am going to miss out on :(
I comforted myself that I at least managed to catch Sophie holding the bottle on her own for the first time..TAADAA!!!

Imagine, only 3 months old and already holding her own clever bean sprout :)

Here's a pix of my 2 favourite darlings - both in their PJs and gamely taking a minute off adoring each other to pose for me (Sophie seemed to enjoy posing more than Jin :p )

1 comment:

Unknown said...

wah she look so relak jack with her bottle!!!

bunny, you wear glasses??